This article is more than 1 year old

'Tis the season... for another gov IP review

Coalition goes with the traditional FT journo for chairman pick too

Tradition is very important at the New Coalition Academy. Last week the Government announced a review of intellectual property "to make it fit for the digital age" - five years after the last review to make intellectual property fit for the digital age.

The previous government commissioned former Financial Times journalist Andrew Gowers to lead it. This time, former Financial Times journalist Ian Hargreaves will do the honours.

Last year Hargreaves carried out a review into the creative industries for the Welsh Assembly. Last month he was appointed to be the first Chair of the Digital Economy at the University of Cardiff's journalism school.

Hargreaves edited the Independent newspaper in 1995 and the New Statesman, was director of BBC News, and chairman of left-ish think-tank Demos. He is also a former executive board member of Ofcom and did a stint in Malcolm Tucker shoes for David Milliband at the FCO. He is a former director of Greenpeace UK.

Presumably the FT's Samuel Brittan, Martin Wolf or John Kay weren't available. Their time will surely come. In about five years, we expect. ®

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