This article is more than 1 year old
Dubya to speak his mind at Facebook event
'A leadership is someone who brings people together'
The ex-US president of all our hearts, George W Bush, will be hanging out at Facebook’s Silicon Valley headquarters to field questions from the social network’s stalkers later today.
However, the Mark Zuckerberg-run company has already yanked the page advertising the event following what we at Vulture Central can only assume has been unprecedented demand for people wanting to speak with Dubya.
Bush, who has been part of Facebook’s 500 million-strong throng of users since June this year, will be talking to fans about his pretzel-bruising memoir Decision Points.
But within 30 minutes of Facebook announcing the event, the page was besieged with questions.

At time of writing, it is displaying the following message: “The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.”

Bush junior awaits
Stalkers' Question Time
Presumably Facebook has taken the page down because it has quite enough questions to direct at Bush now, thank you very much.
Of course given that Bush – who was the 43rd pres of the US – almost certainly won more haters than admirers around the world during his presidency, we can’t help but suspect the page was bombarded with its fair share of abuse, too.
People who claim to "like" Bush through the power of Facebook are still being pretty outspoken about the verbally-challenged former president, however.
"Go back into your hole, no one give [sic] a shit about your book you Skull and Bones faggot," wrote one non-fan on the book of face earlier today. ®