This article is more than 1 year old
How to kill your computer
When the kernel panics once too often...
Run it over
Has your hard drive run you down recently? Why not get revenge?
You may remember the Apple Powerbook G3 advert - well, wouldn't it be nice to copy it and steamroll over a few computers yourself?
These guys thought so. "A feisty one" indeed - the cameraman's optimism is hilarious.
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Whack it off your desk with the keyboard
OK, you probably recollect the viral video Bad Day that perpetually circulated our emails back in 1997. Yes, it was fake, but in reality it probably happened to many a Windows 95 machine. Careful though, sometimes they strike back.
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Fun smashing Windows
Feel like killing an office computer without pissing off management? Have a play on this Flash game and discover eight different ways to destroy your PC. You may still lose your job for slacking, but at least you wont get sued for damage costs.
And finally...
Do you know any more ingenious ways to destroy a computer? If so, send us a message. Alternatively, video yourself breaking your own. Get cracking! ®