This article is more than 1 year old
White iPhone inbound for spring of 2011
Will be invisible in typical fanboi white-cube dwelling
The long-delayed white iPhone is back on the road map, scheduled for Spring next year, according to shop signage spotted by 9to5 Mac.
The angelic iPhone 4 will be available next year, according to the small print on the bottom of signs now going up in the Apple stores. So anyone hoping for a white (iPhone) Christmas is going to be disappointed.
The iPhone 4 was launched as being available in both black and white, but when handsets arrived they were only available in black, with Apple being characteristically tightlipped about the reason. Since then the iPhone 4's antenna, which wraps round the outside of the handset, has caused huge problems, eventually forcing Apple to provide free bump cases - so it made sense that a different case would require some redesign.
Since then various schedules have been rumoured, and one 17-year-old made a killing buying white cases directly from the Chinese manufacturer and retrofitting them. In October Apple told Reuters that the white iPhone wouldn't make it onto the shelves for Christmas, and now the signage seems to confirm that.
It's hard to imagine there are are hundreds of punters out there who've held off their initiation into the cult of Apple because the phone didn't match their white jacket, but if there are then they'll not have to hold off much longer. ®