This article is more than 1 year old

Firefox UI man quits Mozilla for new health-conscious venture

Beefing up data to help you slim down

Mozilla user-interface guru Aza Raskin is leaving the open source outfit to start a new venture called Massive Health.

He announced the move on his blog yesterday, and said he wants to design personal health tools that are easier to navigate and to better understand the data a patient is dealing with.

“Each of us has a unique ability. I want to use mine – the knowledge to make products which are disruptively easier and more enjoyable to use – to change people’s lives,” he wrote.

“Life-changing not in the sense of a new social website or better email, but in making people’s lives materially better by helping them get and stay healthy. Anyone that’s been sick, overweight, or had to deal with a doctor knows that health is a field in dire need of humane design.”

The Massive Health start-up was co-founded by the company’s CEO Sutha Kamal and it’s “Backed by some of the top investors in the world” according to the outfit’s website.

However, Massive Health hasn’t named those investors yet. There's also a third anonymous co-founder that the company is yet to reveal to the world.

Raskin - who was the brain behind Mozilla’s so-called Tab Sets, which worked their way into beta builds of Firefox 4 - said he will leave the browser maker on 1 January 2011. ®

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