Rebel Swap Watch
They say time flies when you're having fun, but now you can find fun when you literally have the time.
With a 1.5in touchscreen, the Rebel sWaP watch is a mini media maestro. It comes with a 2GB Micro SD card and has a camera, FM radio, MP3/MP4 player and voice activation.
A quad-band phone that works with all networks except Three, it can be used with the built in speakerphone or a bluetooth headset.
With day-to-day functions from calendars to calculators, the Rebel packs a 2G internet connection - hey, it is only a watch - and comes in a variety of colours. It certainly appears a fabulous hi-tech gift this Xmas, if that sort of thing makes you tick.
Price £190
More Info I Want One of Those
Star Theatre Planetarium
Want to wish upon a star this Christmas but can't see any through the yellow smog of the city?
The Star Theatre Planetarium beams them all over the ceiling for you, but don't be fooled, this is no zoetrope-styled kid's bedtime toy.
Using the same lens as a commercial planetarium, it shows real constellations in immaculate detail. Changeable disks display delineated constellations and give an accurate representation of celestial movement in both hemispheres.
Set it to show shooting stars at random intervals and start wishing to be a real boy, even if you already are.
Price £120
More Info Firebox