This article is more than 1 year old

Facebook stat flood gives hope to mateless, dateless

Plus: what 'bookers do every 20 minutes

If you're moping around, lonely and dateless this New Year's Eve, you can take heart in a new statistic that proves there are, indeed, plenty of available fish in the proverbial sea: 43,869,800 people changed their status to "single" on Facebook in 2010.

Get on the phone. It's not too late.

That cheering stat was one of many released Friday by Democracy UK, a Facebook-hosted venue for political and electoral discusssion.

Other relationship-centric Facebook facts are also of interest, whether you're settled, hunting, or looking for an escape route:

  • 28,460,516 Facebookers changed their status to "in a relationship",
  • 5,974,574 changed it to "engaged",
  • 36,774,801 changed it to "married",
  • and our particular favorite: 3,025,791 Facebookers changed their status to "it's complicated".

But perhaps more interesting than relationship-status changes – that is, if you already have a date for Friday night – are some of the stats about what activities Facebook's half-billion devotees perform every 20 minutes:

  • 10,208,000 comments are made,
  • 4,632,000 messages are sent,
  • 2,716,000 photos are uploaded,
  • and 1,972,000 friend requests are accepted.

Check out that last stat, lonely guy: there's hope. 2011 might bring you love, fortune, and fame – perhaps even as great as that of the most-liked Facebook folks: Lady Gaga (24,712,169 "likes") and Eminem (23,729,700).

But if you can't achieve those stratospheric like-levels, don't feel too bad – Barack Obama could only pull in 17,229,885 likers. And even The Most Powerful Man in the Free World™ was outclassed by Vin Diesel (19,425,325). ®

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