This article is more than 1 year old
Ace Reg reporter in career suicide shock
'Quick, shred my expenses file!'
After almost five years, I'm rejoining the massed ranks of the Reg readership.
Assuming my crippling hangover has subsided by then, I'll be reading from Monday in my new post as technology correspondent of the Daily Telegraph.
It's been an absolute pleasure to serve this unique and esteemed organ, which has some of the most knowledgable and sharpest readers around. I couldn't have wished for a better place to learn how to be a reporter.
I'm leaving my government/security/privacy/ISP/whatever beat in the very capable hands of my friends here in the newsroom. All El Reg's best stories come from our readers, so keep the tips coming.
Should you wish to contact me (and I'd be happy to hear from you), try chris (at) (but no press releases, please).
Thanks and farewell. ®