This article is more than 1 year old

Fujitsu hails first bio-mouse

How fantastic, no oil-based plastic

This, apparently, is the world's greenest mouse.

Fujitsu M440

The Fujitsu rodent, dubbed the M440, can be entirely recycled, the company claims, because it contains no plastic. It's also bio-degradable.

The mouse's non-metallic parts are made from a mix of materials all created using biologically sourced renewable compounds such as lignin, starch and natural resins.

Producing the mouse ejects less CO2 into the atmosphere than making one from oil-derived plastics will.

Fujitsu said the M440 feels and works no differently to a plastic-made mouse - if anything, it's more comfortable, the company claimed, because its outer surface is more elastic than those of most ordinary mice.

The M440 only costs £13. ®

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