This article is more than 1 year old

Jaspersoft open sources Big Data connectors

Surfs Hadoop, NoSQL, MMP

Jaspersoft has introduced an open source project designed to help you digest information held in Big Data web stores.

The company's Native Reporting Big Data project seeks to build connectors that can natively query data in a slew of NoSQL databases and other stores. Currently, the project offers connectors for NoSQL databases Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak, and Neo4j; data crunching frameworks Hadoop and Infinispan; key-value store Redis; and massively parallel processing (MMP) analytic database Vertica.

Beta connectors for VMware's GemFire and IBM’s Netezza are available on request.

The idea is to replace connectors built in-house by end users. The problem with rolling your own connectors is the time and effort it takes. Many big sites are collecting buckets of information in NoSQL stores, and much of it is going un-queried.

Jaspersoft hopes that developers using Hadoop, NoSQL, and MMP – who are collecting buckets and buckets of data – will search and query that information using Jaspersoft's BI. It claims that early customers are testing the connectors running BI on terabytes of data, but it expects the software will soon fan out across petabytes of data stored in these post-SQL stores.

Jaspersoft's goal is to let you extract, search, and construct reports on data sucked in from key value stores, document databases, BigTable clones, graph databases, and data grid caching among others post-NoSQL stores.

Andrew Lampitt, senior director of technology alliances, told The Reg the company is targeting application developers who use platform-as-a-service, depend on a NoSQL back-end data store, and don't need ACID compliance to get the data out of their NoSQL store.

The connectors project started last fall, and Jaspersoft hopes that the first native connectors will be "mature" in three to six months.

Jaspersoft has been working with NoSQL providers like MongoDB shop 10Gen, and it says the connectors are at different stages of development. It's looking for further input and development from community members and customers.

JasperSoft will provide certification and paid support for some of the connectors but not for others. It said certification is already provided for Vertica and Greenplum in MMP with commercial analytics certification planned shortly for Netezza.

The projects can be visited in at Jasperforge. ®

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