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Steelseries World of Warcraft mouse and keyboard

Steampunk peripherals – how very 19th century

Review During the knuckle-grinding twilight hours spent levelling my Worgen warrior chick in World of Warcraft Cataclysm I had been pondering when I would get a go on some dedicated peripherals. Lucky for me Steelseries has seen fit to supply some goodies.

Steelseries WoW Cataclysm Mouse

WoW your friends? Steelseries' Cataclysm mouse

First out the bag is the World of Warcraft Cataclysm MMO gaming mouse, the box looks like something from the auction house of Gnomeregan, all fatty fatty and burnished steel, a steampunk fantasy. And big ... yes very big, which should have prepared me for the sheer scale of the monster that lay inside.

I was a little shocked to find no literature in the massive box just a leaflet with direction to the Steelseries website to download the latest drivers and firmware. Smart ethical move, good for the environment, you say. I want pretty stickers, I would counter. After a fairly nifty installation it’s onto some customisation. Luckily, I really like the look of the software – so red and black and flamey. Giving me almost infinite colour options to illuminate the mouse, and also being surprisingly easy to use, this is a real selling point for this product.

Compared to the Razer Spectre mouse I have been using (and loving) this beast seemed massive. Even though it was hard to reach some of the 14 buttons, I found it moves really smoothly across my dedicated Deathwing Steelseries mouse mat, mainly due to the very large surface area on the bottom. The burnished steel coating is definitely an upgrade from their last wow mouse that was prone to losing its metallic lustre after a couple of heavy raids.

Steelseries WoW Cataclysm Mouse

Customisable buttons and colours too

Most of the buttons are assigned default functions but it's very simple to customise them in game. Since the Catacalysm expansion, naturally, I have more characters and I really liked that I could assign up to ten different custom profiles, including my Tauren Hunter and Worgen Warrior. This mouse did make a difference to my game play, allowing me to cast spells faster and select enemies on the fly, but is really only worth the expense if you’re a serious raider.

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