This article is more than 1 year old

Park the Mario Kart, and throw your keys in the bowl

Ubisoft puts the swing into Wii console gaming

NSFW(ish) We Dare is a new game, for the Wii and PS2 and out later this year, that invites players to use motion-sensing consoles in a rather more adult way than previous titles.

Gaming blog Kotaku, who spotted the forthcoming release, reckons it's a sex party in a box, which isn't as far from the truth as one might hope. We Dare certainly invites players to get physical with their remotes (PS3 players need the Move accessory), while rating their ability to administer a little light flagellation to their partner, or their partner's partners as the slightly-NSFW promotional video demonstrates.

Aside from slapping each other, and a bit of strip tease, the game, which is already available for pre-order, apparently presents players with "hilarious, innovative and physical, sometimes kinky, challenges", and reminds players that "The more friends you invite to party, the spicier the play!"

Up to four that is, both versions support up to four players: more than that and you'll just have to improvise.

The PS2 Move has already been described as an Wii remote designed to look more like a sex toy, so we should probably be grateful that the We Dare is flirtatiously tame, as the possibilities are really quite frightening. ®

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