This article is more than 1 year old
Apple T&C upsets philanthropic developers
Don't mention the earthquake
Developers of iPhone applications keen to share their income with those less fortunate are becoming increasing annoyed with Apple's refusal to let them declare their largesse.
The latest to complain is iPhonewzealand, who want the world to know that the $2.59 it is charging for its previously free application is to be donated to the Red Cross appeal following the Christchurch Earthquake, once Apple has had its 30 per cent, but Apple won't let them tell the world how generous they're being.
Apple doesn't allow any mention of charitable giving in app descriptions, arguing that it is in no position to police such things and needs to protect its customers from fraudulent claims. Which doesn't cut much ice with iPhonewzealand, as the company explains in its blog entry addressing Apple:
"Sometimes the way you carry out your business, with your 'we know best' attitude and your refusal to discuss or negotiate, makes you look like arrogant dicks."
Nor is iPhonewzealand alone: a few dozen NZ developers and a couple of foreigners have signed up to share income with the Red Cross so one can contribute to the disaster fund while working towards Twenty Chinups, learn the flags of the world or find out how the traffic is flowing around Christchurch as it rebuilds. ®