This article is more than 1 year old

Adobe unfurls Flash 10.3 beta

'Declouded' preferences and more

Adobe has released a beta of Flash Player 10.3 that – among other new niceties – includes a preferences pane for managing your storage, camera, playback, and other settings.

Previously, users needed to access an Adobe-hosted settings webpage to control preferences for global and website privacy and storage, security, protected content playback, and peer-assisted networking.

As one commenter to Lifehacker's report on the beta's availability put it: "So Adobe is declouding Flash! Yay!"

The Mac OS X version of the beta provides a four-tabbed preferences pane with controls for Storage, Camera and Mic, Playback, and Advanced:

Adobe Flash 10.3 beta preferences
Adobe Flash 10.3 beta preferences
Adobe Flash 10.3 beta preferences
Adobe Flash 10.3 beta preferences

In addition to the addition of "declouded" controls, the beta's release notes detail new features such as easier media-measurement capabilities, acoustic echo cancellation and other audio improvements, and auto updates for Mac OS X.

You can download a copy of the Flash 10.3 beta – actually, beta, to be exact – here.

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