This article is more than 1 year old

Game steals thunder from Eurogamer show

Oi, that's a bit mean!

Retailer Game has announced its own consumer-focused videogame show, to be held one week before the big Eurogamer Expo this September. Coincidence?

Announced during Wednesday night's videogame Baftas, the event will take place 16-18 September at the NEC in Birmingham.

The Eurogamer Expo - a popular show, with more than 30,000 visitors - will run this year at Earls Court from 22-25 September. It's backed by troubled retailer HMV, a Game rival.

While Game's event may offer those up north the chance to see the latest titles and developments in the industry without the trek to London, it seems a bit of a bitchslap to steal Eurogamer's thunder.

Not to worry though, Game's event is in Brum. Say no more. ®

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