This article is more than 1 year old
Leicester unloses key data
Lost USB found in a lunch box
Leicester City Council has found the USB stick containing key codes for several thousand vulnerable residents' front doors.
The stick went missing in mid-March and contained key codes to open boxes outside the homes of users of the council's care service which contained front door keys. The council changed several thousand codes as a precaution.
But it has now found the missing USB stick, in a member of staff's lunch bag.
The council told This is Leicestershire: "We have continued our search for the missing data stick and, as a result, can confirm that it was found over the weekend. As soon the data stick had been recovered, we ran a series of tests on it which indicated that the data on it has not been accessed during the period the device was missing.
"We are continuing with our investigation into the incident and will report fully on its findings as soon as this has been completed."
Leicester City Council had informed the Information Commissioner's Office of its gaffe, presumably the council can now share the good news. ®