This article is more than 1 year old

So, what's the best sci-fi film never made?

You decide...

Note: Nominations are now closed. Thanks for the stampede of sugestions. We're now ploughing through the lot to make the final selection for the poll. Watch this space...

We know a lot of you are sci-fi buffs, and have your own personal feelings on what would make the ultimate sci-fi movie.

The recent news that Paramount will attempt to bring The Martian Chronicles to the big screen has raised a few eyebrows, with some commenters suggesting there are far worthier titles yet to be given the Hollywood treatment.

So, let's hear them. Email your suggestions to me here, and we'll take the most popular and offer them to the traditional El Reg reader vote next week.

Your nomination should not ever have been made into a film, no matter how bad the result (ie, no demands for a "proper remake"), and there is absolutely no moaning allowed if your suggestion doesn't make the final poll.

Get to it. ®


Carry on posting suggestions as comments to this story if you wish - we'll take those on board as well.

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