This article is more than 1 year old


DNA match

Review Yes I am old and I remember when Maxis was all about SimCity. Proving it was the God of simulation the developer then managed to get everyone addicted to the The Sims. At the time, I was too busy having a life (read: taking drugs), to get really stuck in, I hear it on good authority that The Sims 2 was absolutely amazing and had a bit of gene mixing of its own.


Crop circle

So on hearing the words Darkspore I started to get excited and check Steam for the beta at least every five minutes. I liked Spore and I like Dark stuff, what could go wrong? A departure from simulation, you say? Completely new direction for the developers, you say? Surely a change of direction is good?

Certainly, the idea of some dungeon crawling ‘In Space’ with either your mates or some randoms for a bit of hack and slash Diablo-style sounds like a pretty good way to spend the royal wedding.


Spraying the garden

Darkspore is some badass (E) DNA that's got out of hand and is on a rampage through the universe. You, being one of the last Crogenitors, get rudely awoken from your space sleep to do battle with your army of living weapons. Time to visit some alien worlds, kill some nasties and save the galaxy! That’s pretty much it for storyline, which is a shame and one of the missed opportunities of this game. I felt that there was the potential to weave a sprawling narrative, but this just never materialised.

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