This article is more than 1 year old
PARIS team to tackle the ultimate post-pint snack
The Middlesbrough 'parmo'? We can handle that...
The Register's Paper Aircraft Released Into Space team has been at a bit of loose end since last October, when our Vulture 1 aircraft went down in history as the greatest ever paper plane launch in the history of the known world.
Understandably, the bright minds behind the audacious high-altitiude intitiative have been a tad restless since we made headlines worldwide, and following our provocative PARIS cocktail concoction last year, we've been looking for a new challenge to test our scientific skills.
Enter stage left the "parmo" - a Teesside delicacy flagged by our beloved commentards during a lively debate on whether Middlesbrough locals could survive conditions on distant exoplanet Gliese 581d.
The answer appears to be yes, as long as they have a substantial stash of parmos to sustain them. For the uninitiated, the classic parmo is a pork or chicken fillet, dipped in egg and bread crumbs and deep fried before adornment with a béchamel sauce topped with grated cheese (hence the name, from "parmesan", although cheddar's the dairy product of choice Up North).
A quick five minutes under the grill is then all that's required to deliver the ultimate post-pint snack - preferably slapped down with a generous spread of chips (see pic).
Scientifically, this recipe is hardly a challenge, but since I once went to a Middlesbrough boozer in the company of a local lass, only to be served a pint boasting 90 per cent foam by the landlord who declared "that's what we call a head up here you Cockney wanker", I feel it's time to demonstrate that we born South of Watford™ know a thing or two about developing world cuisine.
So, give us your top parmo tips and we'll put them to the test. Expect explosive culinary exposés in due course... ®
Additional PARIS resources
- New to PARIS? We have a basic mission summary here (pdf).
- Our dedicated PARIS section, with all previous updates, is right here.
- You can find our release, pursuit and recovery photos here...
- ...and our onboard camera photo album here.
- Our Flickr page, for your viewing pleasure.
- Check out our lovely YouTube channel.