This article is more than 1 year old
Who's nicked Vaz's fondleslab?
Parliament really is awash with thieves
Keith Vaz, MP for Leicester East and chair of the Home Affairs Committee, is outraged that some scrote has nicked an iPad and actual, real laptop from his offices.
No word on whether the office was locked or not but Vaz is outraged at the lack of security, according to the Beeb. He said a "more robust approach" to security was needed.
The theft happened on Thursday afternoon.
Vaz works in the north Norman Shaw Building - once part of New Scotland Yard and home to the Metropolitan Police.
Fondleslab-free Vaz is not alone - a Parliamentary spokesman told the BBC police are investigating a number of thefts around the Palace of Westminster.
Vaz is best known round these parts for his views on video games (he's agin them) and homeopathy which he likes. He paid back thousands of pounds spent on furnishing his second home.
We can only hope the new expenses regime is not leaving our MPs so skint they're forced to nick each others' iPads and laptops. ®