This article is more than 1 year old

NATO site hacked

Bookshop opened

NATO is warning subscribers to its e-Bookshop service that hackers have likely stolen its customer database.

The site is run as a separate service for distributing NATO information and does not contain any classified or secret information.

The bookshop has been closed and all members been warned by email to change their passwords if they are using them for other websites or services.

The email said: "Our examinations show a possible compromise of user information (username, password, address and email address) for people who have ordered publications from the e-Bookshop or subscribed to our email service.

"If you use the same email and password on other web platforms it is highly recommended that you change your passwords."

NATO members were warned last month of increasing threats from hackivist group Anonymous. Looks like their advice was right.

The organisation is beginning to take cyber-threats more seriously – late last year it designated cyber-defence as a critical capability.

There is no clue so far as to who is behind the attack. The organisation has been hit before, and has no shortage of enemies.

Meanwhile LulzSec released a bunch of documents purloined from Arizona Police.

NATO's data breach statement is here. ®

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