This article is more than 1 year old
Apple App Store passes 15bn download mark
75 for every fondleslab, Jesus mobe or iPod Touch
Apple says that it has passed the 15 billion download mark at its App Store for iOS devices.
Cupertino veep Philip Schiller said the news meant that Steve Jobs' walled garden had become the "most exciting and successful software marketplace the world has ever seen", in tinned quotes accompanying the announcement.
Apple says it has sold 200 million iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches worldwide, indicating an average of 75 app downloads per device – though it should be borne in mind that many "apps" are no more than web portals to specific destinations such as news services, or similarly lightweight stuff.
There are more than 425,000 officially endorsed iOS apps available, according to Apple, which polices its Store rigorously and removes anything it doesn't like. ®