This article is more than 1 year old

Java cloud spins Jenkins Eclipse tool

Back at you, Oracle

The Hudson open-source project that Oracle recently surrendered to Eclipse is getting a little more community competition.

Platform-as-a-service startup CloudBees has announced the availability of a CloudBees Eclipse toolkit plug-in for Java developers. The CloudBees service includes the open source continuous integration server Jenkins, a fork of Hudson.

CloudBees provides build and test management tools for Java, and the plug-in means that users of the Eclipse IDE now have a way to use the company's platform-as-a-service, known as DEV@cloud. CloudBees also joined Eclipse as a Solutions Member.

The company was an early user of Hudson for integration, attracting Hudson creator Kohsuke Kawaguchi as an employee, but it got behind Jenkins after database giant Oracle tried to assert greater control over the Hudson project.

Jenkins was created following a vote by Hudson community members. Oracle was among the few holdouts. Oracle inherited Hudson with its purchase of Sun Microsystems.

Earlier this year, Oracle said it was finally giving up on trying to control Hudson by submitting a proposal to Eclipse to create a new Hudson project. Oracle said it would contribute the existing Hudson core code to the project.

Was Oracle giving up or simply taking the game to a different level by putting Hudson on Eclipse? The open-source group has the ability to accelerate projects, and the move came as Jenkins' backers were setting up a formal community structure around Jenkins. The Jenkins project might have the committers, but Hudson retained the name-recognition, which could be a problem from a customer perspective.

Oracle's decision to move Hudson to Eclipse dismayed Kawaguchi. Eclipse executive director Mike Milinkovich responded by saying that Eclipse wanted to reach out to anyone who might be interested in participating. Oracle is also a member of Eclipse.

CloudBees' Eclipse membership and it's creation of a plug-in for Java Eclipse IDE users will help keep Jenkins going. The next question is: How long before Hudson and Jenkins merge? ®

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