This article is more than 1 year old

Python orgy menaces Yorkeys Knob canoes

Snakey Oz SWAT team collars slithering sex pests

An Oz sporting club has been forced to call for ophidian SWAT assistance after a python orgy threatened to destroy its boatshed roof.

According to the Cairns Post, at least half a dozen scrub pythons – each at least 3.5 metres long – have been getting jiggy above the ceiling of the Hekili Outrigger Canoe Club, suitably located in the Cairns beach suburb of Yorkeys Knob.

Club coach Sue Lockwood explained that a staff member got a bit of a shock when she went to get a canoe and saw one of the beasts protruding from the ceiling.

Cue intervention by Dave Walton of does-what-it-says-on-the-tin outfit Cairns Snake Removals, who captured a couple of pythons measuring 3.5 metres and 4.5 metres.

However, Walton was unable to get at the rest of the amorous slitherers, and believes a 7-metre female dubbed "Nigini" is still at large. The snake-catcher was called to a "similar rumpus" at the boathouse a couple of years back, when Nigini narrowly escaped capture.

The Cairns Post has a snap of Walton extracting an impressive python from the club's boathouse roof here. ®


Thanks to Mike Richards for the tip-off.

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