This article is more than 1 year old

iPhone users richer, brainier, more tasteful than Android-ers

Connoisseurs of fine wine, gourmets, lovers etc etc

A massive survey of smartphone users purports to show that iPhone users are sushi-eating leaders, while anyone touting an Android handset prefers steak and following others.

The survey comes from, and is compiled from the responses of 15,000 people who volunteered to answer questions on the company's website, so it is worth noting that it is the iPhone owners themselves who think they are extrovert leaders, despite their unfailing ability to follow the messianic Steve.

Android users are rather more modest in painting themselves as followers who prefer ugly, but fully featured, devices over the latest slick hardware which they fiddle with while knocking back a Becks and watching Comedy Central.

iPhone users, when not texting while they drive (which they're 50 per cent more likely to do as their Android-touting contemporaries) will be sipping a Chianti while being culturally edified in front of the BBC.

They're able to do that as they're spenders, compared to Android users who like to save their money. But iPhone users need to keep time to play their musical instrument (which they're 13 per cent more likely to do) and all that international travelling – Android users being 71 per cent more likely to have never left the USA.

It's all nonsense of course, and tells us a good deal more about how iPhone users would like to be seen than how they actually are, but it is entertaining nonsense none the less and there are loads of details presented in an infographic so simple even Windows Mobile users can understand it. ®

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