This article is more than 1 year old

£69 Pre 3 spied on HP UK website

Company willing to discuss sales options

HP's Pre 3 smartphone has made an appearance on the company's website priced at a mere £69 including VAT.

While HP's main Pre page says the WebOS handset is "sold out", the "Handheld PCs" section of the site lists the Pre 3 at the knock-down price.

Previously, the Pre 3 was priced at £299.

£69 Pre 3 on HP UK website

Alas, the £69 handset "may not be available direct from HP", though the company is happy to take your calls on 0845 270 4142 "to discuss options", the site says.

You may choose to do so if HP emailed you at the weekend offering you a Pre 3 for £299. ®

Thanks to reader Alan for the tip

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