This article is more than 1 year old
Winklevoss twins: Zuck on our salty nuts
Rapier wit on display as brothers stick oar in again
The Winklevoss twins are back in the limelight (well, sort of) by starring in a US telly advert for pistachios that sends up the brothers' legal fight with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
The twins' well-publicised claims that Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook from their Harvard network ConnectU bagged them a $65m settlement. And despite being immortalised in film by having their saga dramatised for The Social Network, they couldn't resist padding out their package with a little light lampooning on American television for Wonderful Pistachios.
The Winklevii have sued Facebook more than once in an attempt to get a bigger wedge of cash from Zuckerberg's online empire, eventually giving up earlier this summer after a judge dismissed their claim that Facebook had "intentionally or inadvertently suppressed evidence".
Apart from Facebook-bothering, the twins are also famous as Olympic rowers, and will be pulling oars for the USA at London 2012. ®