This article is more than 1 year old
Display defect may crimp iPhone 5 shipments
EVE Online addicts, take note
The iPhone 5 rumor mill continues to churn, with today's tidbit being a report that a flaw in Wintek-produced touchscreen displays will put a crimp in shipments of the not-yet-acknowledged Cupertinian superphone.
According to the sometimes spot-on, sometimes "Say what?" market-watchers at DigiTimes, one of the manufacturer's of iPhone 5's touchscreen, Wintek, is having problems with a display defect known as a "delayed bubble" – and no, EVE Online fans, this problem has nothing to do with the delayed bubble gambit you've used to destroy decloaking baddies.
If you're pining for a next-generation iPhone, however, don't worry yourself silly – Wintek is far from being the major supplier of iPhone touchscreens. According to DigiTimes's sources, the delayed-bubble sufferers manufacture only between 20 and 25 per cent of the touchscreens used in the iPhone 5. TPK Holding supplies 60 to 65 per cent of the displays, and Chimei Innolux takes care of the remainder.
DigiTimes's sources also noted that Apple plans to move 25 to 26 million iPhone 5s in the fourth quarter of this year – a not-unreasonable goal, seeing as how 20.34 million iPhones were sold in the company's most recent quarter. ®