This article is more than 1 year old

Toshiba Regza 47VL863 passive 3D TV

Telly that works with 3D glasses from the cinema

Going Places

Toshiba has high hopes for its new online portal, and I can see why. Rather than just throw open the doors to yet another app store, the brand has created a social hub (of sorts) that links devices. The presentation is slick, although predictably there’s a fair degree of roughness beneath the gloss.

Toshiba Places UI

Toshiba Places shows promise but needs more work

For example, within the Video area you’ll find both free - You Tube, BBC iPlayer, Daily Motion - and pay/subscribe - Woomi, Viewster, Box Office 365, Cartoon Network, Hit Entertainment - IPTV services. However, select either YouTube or BBC iPlayer you’re effectively told to sling your hook and go look for them elsewhere in the menus.

The user experience clearly needs some work.

Toshiba Places UI

The TV's own UI is smart

The cross-platform execution of Toshiba Places is equally clunky. Visit Toshiba Places on a computer and you’ll end up in an e-shop. Not quite the integration I was expecting. Hopefully it will improve; the premise of Places has bags of potential.

Toshiba Regza 47VL863 3D HD TV specs
Next page: Cinema-style 3D

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