This article is more than 1 year old

Nude lady recreates Star Wars tauntaun scene in dead horse

Beast killed with .300 magnum, not light-sabre

An Oregon woman who posted photos of herself reclining nude and spattered with equine bodily fluids in the carcass of a dead horse has declared she was partly inspired by Star Wars.

Jasha Lottin and her friend John Frost came to the attention of authorities in Oregon after an animal lover in South Carolina took exception to a series of pictures of the aspiring model and the increasingly dismembered animal on 4chan.

The pictures, featured on Seattle Weekly, show the 21-year-old Frost, Lottin and the recently despatched and skinned 32-year-old horse in a number of poses, culminating with a nude Lottin climbing into the carcass of the animal, and then eating it.

The pair were investigated by the Washington County Sheriff's Office, who declared that no crime had been committed and no further action would be taken. The pair had despatched the animal quickly with .300 Winchester Magnum hunting rifle, and the beast had already been scheduled to be "euthanized" anyway, Seattle Weekly reports.

The paper carries copies of the really NSFW pics here.

The paper also quotes the police report thus: "Lottin said in the movie Star Wars the character Han Solo cut open an animal with his light saber and placed Luke Skywalker inside the animal. This was due to Luke freezing to death in cold weather."

The scene described did take place early in The Empire Strikes Back, when a dead tauntaun steed is used to help Skywalker survive chilly conditions on the icy planet Hoth.

Apparently, the report adds, "Lottin said there was nothing religious about what she did and didn't intend to offend anyone."

Needless to say the pair have become the focus of vigorous protest from others on the net, and have been forced to pull their Facebook profiles offline.

Lottin told Seattle Weekly she didn't really have much to add, except the stunt had been "spontaneous" and she didn't know what all the fuss was about. ®

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