This article is more than 1 year old
Swedish political party pledges War On Wolves
Midlands footballers worried by anti-lupine pogrom plan
A new political party has launched on a single issue platform: all wolves must die. At least within the borders of Sweden.
Swedish hammer of the wolves, Gunilla Gronvall, has shrugged off accusations of disingenuity to dub her new grouping the Nature Democrats.
Gronvall insisted her movement didn't have a problem with wolves per se.
"We want a zero-tolerance policy in populated areas of the countryside, let's put it that way. But to say that we want to shoot all wolves would be be brutal," she told local news outlets.
Party head, Marcus Werjefeldt added, "We just don't want them in Sweden."
He added, "It can't be news that there are people who don't want wolves."
While the formation of the party might have created panic in the West Midlands, it transpires the Nature Democrats are targeting an even smaller and more marginalised population - the country's wild wolves
Sweden banned the hunting of wolves in 1960, according to, but replaced the ban with a quota system last year. There are apparently 237 wolves at large in the snowy country.
But this is far too many for Gronvall and her followers, and only complete eradication will make them feel safe in their beds.
Sweden has a track record of forming single issue parties that spawn look-alike parties overseas - witness the success of the Pirate Party. So look out for Australia to form an anti-dingo party, and anti-wolf and coyote movements in the US. Here in the UK we have the fox issue covered by the Conservative party. ®