This article is more than 1 year old
Couldn't be there? Our conference vids for you
The Register and Intel LIVE 2011
Last week The Register teamed up with Intel to put on an all-day conference in Millbank, central London. We had a great line-up of speakers, which included Professor Brian Cox and security God Bruce Schneier - for me a stand-out.
We filmed the proceedings for those of you who couldn't be there. The event went down a storm with the invitation-only audience (which included five winners of a lucky dip competition). And we think you will like it too.
So to our video /show report.
Dr Genevieve Bell, anthropologist and Intel Fellow, opened the day with her keynote on what would Data look like if it were a person. She is a thought-provoking and accomplished speaker.
Ed Moore, ex-CTO of Carphone Warehouse and now on his third mobile start-up, was next up talking about the evolution of the smartphone. Among other things, he points to the dangers that RIM faces. His presentation is here (pdf).
We threw Genevieve and Ed to the mercy of the attendees with a Q and A hosted by The Register’s Tim Phillips.
Our second session was all about HPC and kicked off with Peter Maccallum from Cancer Research UK talking about HPC skills, challenges and science. His presentation is here.
Martha Bennett from our the analyst firm Freeform Dynamics was next on stage to dive into the facts and fiction of Big Data. You can download her presentation here.
Closing off the HPC session, Peter and Martha take questions from the floor.
Next up, the security session began with Jim Walter from McAfee who runs through the latest Malware threats and the rise of Hactivism. His presentation is here.
Continuing our stride into security, Dr Bruce Schneier took the stage with a must-see talk about Cyber War.
As Bruce closed off his talk, Jim and Tim joined him on stage to take questions from the floor.
We dipped into science for final session. Professor Brian Cox who did an excellent talk on fundamental physic. Sadly, we can’t compete with BBC contracts, so we don’t have any video of Brian, but you you can read our write up here. Following our fop haired hero was Andrzej Nowak from CERN with a presentation titled: From Femtoscale to Exascale: Computing at CERN. If you’ve ever wondered how these guys do what they do, watch this – it’s quite amazing.
Andrzej's presentation is here. ®