This article is more than 1 year old
Apple's Galaxy Tab ban was best advertising ever - Samsung
Thanks a lot, Cupertino!
Ah, sweet revenge! After winning its court battle to lift the ban on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia, Samsung is making the most of the fondleslab injunction saga.
Samsung Australia's vice-president of telecommunications, Tyler McGee, told the Sydney Morning Herald that the case has turned the tablet into a household name in Oz.
"At the end of the day the media awareness certainly made the Galaxy Tab 10.1 a household name compared to probably what it would've been based on the investment that we would've put into it from a marketing perspective," he said.
And just to ensure that the Korean firm capitalises on the Tab's fifteen minutes of fame, it has bought up some lovely vengeful adverts in Australian newspapers, running the tagline 'The tablet Apple tried to stop'.
The ads have been widely reported and handily snapped by this Aussie tweeter.
So far the long-running, wide-ranging, globe-spanning patent dispute between Apple and Samsung has managed to avoid any totally overt mud-slinging, but it looks like the South Korean firm just couldn't resist capitalising on this win.
Which is maybe understandable considering the court battle made the Tabs forbidden fruits for more than two months, resulting in a loss to sales that McGee refused to put a number to. ®