This article is more than 1 year old
Blogger bully site yanks MPAA's chain in poison-pen letter
Dear Chris, *** ******* suck, lots of ****,
The new owner of the domain name, which until recently belonged to a notorious copyright troll, has used his purchase to openly mock the Motion Picture Ass. of America.
The website currently displays a heavily and ironically redacted open letter to MPAA chief Christopher Dodd, and lends support to yesterday's web-wide protest of the US Stop Online Piracy Act.
The SOPA blackout prompted sites including Wikipedia to go dark for a day.
The letter at also has a few harsh words for the "lecherous lower primates" of the US Congress, along with text suggesting some sort of sexual impropriety by unspecified individuals.
Righthaven LLC was until recently a company that specialised in suing bloggers for copyright infringement to help support the business models of flagging American newspapers. In its 18-month existence it became a popular internet hate figure after the Electronic Frontier Foundation sprung to the defence of the bedroom writers it targeted.
After suffering a humiliating court defeat last year and being ordered to pay over $34,000 in legal fees, the company fell to its knees.
Its domain name,, was put up for auction two weeks ago to help pay off its debts. The buyer of the name, now listed in Whois records as Switzerland-based Stefan Thalberg, paid $3,300 for the address, according to Domain Name Wire. ®