This article is more than 1 year old

T-Mobile's Full Monty speed 'capped at 1Mb/s'

Cellco denies, confirms cap

T-Mobile's unlimited tariff, The Full Monty, has come under scrutiny after reports surfaced that the cellco may have placed a speed limit of just 1Mb/s on the package.

The price plan, launched this month, aims to compete with Three's The One Plan by offering T-Mobile customers a fully unlimited package for £41 per month.

Minutes, texts and data are truly uncapped but it remains unclear if there is a limit on the data rate.

T-Mobile's support team last week responded to a customer's Tweet, in which the speed-cap question was proposed, stating the Full Monty tariff has a throttle in place of 1Mb/s.

T-Mobile speed cap on Full Monty tariff?

Source: Coolsmartphone

The T-Mobile Tweet has since been removed, and the source of the story has had word from the company claiming that the message was a mistake and no speed cap is in place, but T-Mobile has struggled to give Reg Hardware a definitive statement despite repeated enquiries.

And T-Mobile later Tweeted: "Our Full Monty plans do NOT have a max speed of 1Mb/s."

However, one curious customer called up T-Mobile customer services and was told - eventually - that there is a "1-2Mb/s limit on the upload speed and half on the download speed". They got the upload and download speeds mixed up, of course.

He posted a video on YouTube in which the admission is made, ten minutes in.

We await the company's official response. ®

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