This article is more than 1 year old

Daniel Craig like Connery, Skyfall helmsman suggests

Sam Mendes risks wrath of 'Best Bond' bores

The director of forthcoming 007 romp Skyfall has provocatively suggested a certain similarity between Daniel Craig and Sean Connery - something which will no doubt give "Best Bond" pub bores something to bang on about all week.

Speaking in his first Skyfall "Videoblog", Sam Mendes praises Casino Royale and wisely avoids all mention of Quantum of Solace.

Of Craig's performance in the former, Mendes says: "I felt like he was a real man in a real situation again, and it reminded me of the way I felt when I watched the Sean Connery movies."

Well yes, this Reg hack's own first clear memory of Sean Connery is of a real man in an entirely plausible real situation, that's to say, strapped to a gold table while a laser beam inches its way towards his 'nads.

Still, let's wait and see just how Mendes mixes the reality and the essential quota of Bond fantasy. He promisingly insists: "It still is possible to make a big, fabulous, glamorous, escapist movie and yet at the same time to say something about the world that we're living in." ®

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