This article is more than 1 year old
Molesworth and the New Latin
'Why must we lurn about computa sciense sur? Why?'
Stob 'In his speech [...] the Education Secretary Michael Gove appeared to accept in its entirety the argument that ICT had become little more than training in office skills and something far more rigorous was required [...] While Alex Hope's slogan "coding is the new Latin" did not appeal to some, it must have appealed to the classicist in Michael Gove' - Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC website
chiz chiz chiz
In the olden days eg last term we hav ITC 4 times a week chiz
ITC master comes into clars: gud morning boys now toda we shall do offis agen.
Evrybody: YORN!
BEAK: silens wile I start my p.c.
He spends 5 mins trying to get comp to start only he carnt cos sum unknoen persun (hem-hem) has chainjed the pazzword.
Everyun start to sniggr, xcept fotherington-thomas who doing xtra swotting and using blootueth erepeece to lissen to melvun bragg on the intanett.
Fotherington-thomas: o the joi of pur knolledg! how luvly it is to lurn!
He is an utta gurly weed and i despize him.
Grabber (put up his hand): Sir its all rite sir we can use my comp.
This grabber is hed of skool winna of mrs joyful prize for stile sheet formating and has his own lap top with 33in screen and case made out of solid urirdium and he can play portle 2 on it.
Grabber open enormus spred sheat and pointed where it sa
and sed thats what my pa made last year and pointed where it sa
and sed thats what yor pa made molesworth haha yah boo suks.
BEAK: Thankyu grabber that will do now boys tern to frimley on pow point chap 25 and attemt the xercise.
Chiz chiz we are all DOMED.
Molesworth gide to riting for pow point
Furst, gather yor sorse material e.g. copy it of off WIKI like everyun does hem-hem
All our progress is an unfolding, like a vegetable bud. You have first an instinct, then an opinion, then a knowledge as the plant has root, bud, and fruit. Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mov full stops to front of sentenses, and enlarg to make bulletes. Remov unecesary words. Formerlize lists.
- Progress is an unfolding, like vegetable bud
- You have
- instinct
- opinion
- knowledge
- root
- bud
- fruit.
- instinct
- Trust instinct to end though you can render no reason
- after Ralph Waldo Emerson
Now rejuice content to it's essance & SMARTUN IT UP. Dont hesitat to use magc of CULOR and GRAPHICS to mak yor messag CLARE