This article is more than 1 year old
Indiana Jones flicks out on Blu-ray this Fall
Dum-da-da-dum-dum. Dum-da-da-dum-dum. Dum-de-dada, dum-de-dum, etc, etc.
With Star Wars' Blu-ray and 3D conversions out of the way, Lucasfilm has turned to George's other creation: the Indiana Jones movies.
All four will be coming to Blu-ray in the Autumn, distributor Paramount has said - a first for the first three films in the quartet and, some might say, the only ones worth watching.
We disagree. The Last Crusade is just as bad as The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, saved only by the absence of Shia LaBeouf and presence of Julian 'Count Scarlioni' Glover.
And the blond lass.
Paramount promises the inevitable box-set comprising the four films plus "documentaries, interviews, featurettes and a few new surprises".
There's no word yet on the set's arrival over here, but it's got to be a sure fire hit for release before Christmas. ®