Three has abolished out of bundle data charges on all new smartphone contracts, so that customers who aren't on the network's all-you-can-eat plan can surf without the fear of costly overspend.
Starting at £18 per month, the Ultimate Internet packages offer Three's renowned all-you-can-eat data plan, with 100 free minutes and 5000 texts. As the cost of the plan rises, better handsets and further minutes are available.
For occasional users, Three's Essential packages start at £15 per month and come with 250MB of data, 100 minutes and 5000 texts. Again, the minutes and handsets are improved upon as the price grows higher.
Customers will not be charged for exceeding their data allowance, instead hitting a cap and receiving a text to let them know. Data bundles are available as add-ons, starting at £2 for a further 250MB, rising to a fiver 30 days of all-you-can-eat data. Nom nom.
Three's two new plans follow a massive increase in data use over the last year and a half, with consumers asking for better control over their spending. The cap also appears in line with Ofcom's recent guidelines on minimising hefty mobile data charges. ®