This article is more than 1 year old
Three millionth Aussie LinkedIn today
Thank you note shows off people finder beta
LinkedIn has emailed its Australian members to let them know that, as of today, they are one of three million local users.
The brief missive from Cliff Rosenberg, the site's Managing Director, LinkedIn Australia, New Zealand & South East Asia, thanks members for their support and suggests readers continue to use the service.
The Continue link directs users to a beta version of the site's 'People You May Know' page that has been enhanced with a nicely tiled layout and more information about folks who might conceivably be useful nodes in your personal network.
No lucky three millionth InLinker has been identified, photographed and feted.
Far be it from El Reg to indulge in cynical analysis, so we'll leave it up to you to decide if the lack of a named InLinker and the presence of a link to the beta mean today really is the date on which the milestone was achieved. ®