This article is more than 1 year old
iPad queue hog doesn’t want it, won’t be first
Sponsored squatter trumped by telcos
The man who queued in the hope of becoming the first person on earth to buy a New iPad doesn't want a new fondleslab and has spent days pavement-surfing in vain.
He just wants the $AUD950 a crowdsourcing service is paying him to queue while wearing one of its logo-emblazoned t-shirts.
According to, former truck driver Stephen Parkes thinks fondleslabs are a bit of an indulgence. He’ll therefore stump up the cash and then hand the slab over to the CEO of the crowdsourcing company at the end of his five-day pavement-surfing stint, which thanks to Australia's time zone and the size of Apple's Sydney store meant he'd have stood a very good chance of being the first human to make such a purchase.
But Parkes and the crowdsourcing service will both likely lose out on their attention-seeking goal, as Australia’s Apple stores will open at 8:00 AM local time (9:00PM Thursday GMT). Local telcos have since announced they will open their stores at midnight. Australia’s dominant telco, Telstra, has a flagship store literally across the road from the Apple store where Parkes is queuing. With rain forecast for tonight, Parkes is in for a nasty time.
The USA, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland and the UK; along with Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, will also have new iPad for sale on Friday. ®