This article is more than 1 year old
So, what IS the worst film ever made?
Reader nominations invited for celluloid hell poll
Our piece last week on Eddie Murphy's cinematic train-wreck A Thousand Words - a possible nominee for the worst film ever - had El Reg commentards queuing up to recount their celluloid nightmare experiences.
And chilling reading it made, to be sure. Inspired by your litany of cinematic shame, we've decided to run a poll this Friday to determine the matter once and for all.
Regular readers know the score: register your nomination as a comment to this article or to me by email by close of play on Thursday (beer o'clock at Vulture Central is 5pm Brit time).
Those films which hit a critical mass of nominations (10 or so), will be presented for the final decision on Friday.
We apologise to those of you who've been reminded of two or so hours of your life spent in a cinema watching some outrage against the filmmaker's art, and which you can never get back, but you can at least take solace from the fact that our name-and-shame plan will spare some wide-eyed innocents from the same fate. ®