This article is more than 1 year old

Microsoft partner centre: X-IO storage bricks really stack up

Hyping up Hyper ISE

The Microsoft Partner Solutions Center is raving about X-IO's ISE storage brick performance, saying it outperformed all other storage systems that the centre has tested over the past three years.

The centre found:

  • In a joint test with the Redknee telecom application and Microsoft SQL Server, X-IO’s ISE (Intelligent Storage Element) delivered 24x the price/performance of the company’s [unspecified] previous storage [product].
  • A test involving Temenos Group AG’s banking software running on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise found Hyper ISE (flash-boosted ISE) enabled 300 per cent more transactions per minute than a SAN disk drive array.

The senior director at the partner centre, David Hayes, said: "XIO Hyper ISE performed beyond our wildest expectations. Hyper ISE performed better than any other storage system we've tested over the last three years. We were driving the servers to the max, but we were barely putting a dent in the Hyper ISE performance. It seems the more we throw at it, the faster it gets. X-IO has become one of my top-tier solutions.”

Wildest expectations indeed. X-IO's marketing department must be ecstatic at this endorsement. X-IO chief technology officer took this ball and kept on running: "When a customer tells you that your technology enables them to tackle a recurring 10-hour reporting task in less than 10 minutes, you know you’re onto something ... We have taken the price/performance lessons of ‘always on’ mainframes, and applied them to a new type of architecture that allows for unlimited scalability.”

Microsoft's channel should take note... ®

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