This article is more than 1 year old
NBNCo sets up contact centre on the Gold Coast
130 new jobs for GC
Australia’s soon-to-be-biggest broadband network, NBNCo, has selected the Gold Coast as its customer service centre hub, creating around 130 new jobs.
The centre will be located at Varsity Lakes and is set to begin taking calls in the second half of this year.
100 new positions are set to be filled within 12 months said NBNCo’s Head of Quality Mike Kaiser. He added that the company is expected to begin recruitment for the new facility this month.
“The new centre will handle the anticipated escalation in NBN queries from the general public, property developers and builders now that the company has begun large-scale rollout of Australia’s largest infrastructure project,” he said.
Kaiser said that as NBNCo rollout progressed there will be a need for a dedicated centre to manage inquiries.
Gold Coast Acting Mayor Daphne McDonald said "hot on the back of the news the Gold Coast has been included in the NBN’s three year rollout, this is another win for the Gold Coast.”
NBNCo recently confirmed its three-year rollout plan which is expected to see construction underway in areas covering over 678,600 premises across Queensland by June 2015, including around 80,000 on the Gold Coast. ®