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Ten... eight-bit classic games
An Antique Code Show Special
Hungry Horace

Looking like a copyright infringement of my arcade fave, Pacman, I play Horace, nabbing food in the form of flowers from around a park while avoiding the park's overzealous security forces. Horace is an iconic cartoon-style character, all eyes and feet, and keen to gobble a dropped lunch. The bell causes the parkkeepers to panic and, like the ghosts in Pacman, they become edible for a short time. It's speed and versatility that make Hungry Horace a classic. Getting evicted from the park like a member of Occupy London, Horace obviously didn't fare too badly and was later seen skiing and fighting spiders.

Developers William Tang/Beam Software
Publisher Melbourne House
Platforms Sinclair Spectrum
More Info Moby Games' Hungry Horace page
Jet Pac

Jet Pac - from the prolific Stamper brothers - was so addictive yet with so simple a premise: rebuild my spaceship, fuel up then blast off. Ah, but this being a game of the shoot-'em-up genre there are some pesky aliens who would thwart me is my simple goal. Luckily, I have a laser gun in built into my jetpack to deal with such circumstances. Ledges strewn with spaceship parts, fuel pods and bonus point niknaks are all easily navigated with a simple thrust. Blasting off takes me to a new planet each with new aliens to avoid or attack. Shame Jetpac Refuelled, released in 2007, just couldn't live up to the original.

Developers Tim and Chris Stamper
Publisher Ultimate Play The Game
Platforms Sinclair Spectrum, Vic-20
More Info Moby Games' Hungry Horace page