When the on-site tin comes creaking and wheezing to the end of its life, overburdened by inboxes that were never supposed to get that big, its the IT department that has to decide what to do next. Upgrade? Outsource? Go into the cloud?
Billy Waters, who is the whole of the IT function at the YoSushi restaurant chain, had to make this decision recently, so we took a camera crew out to the chain's first restaurant in Soho, and asked him to tell us all about it.
This is not Waters' first trip into the cloud, and he draws on his earlier experiences as well as this migration to Office 365, as he talks us through the whole process. He'll explain why he went for the cloud option; how he worked with his consultants to plan the migration; how to avoid common pitfalls, and come out the other side with all the rest of the staff still speaking to you.
And how to do all that across more than fifty restaurants, and head office, without a single piece of Sushi going cold. Or warm. We're not fish experts. Ask us something on tech...