This article is more than 1 year old
Headbanger plays Star Trek theme on floppy drives
Very heavy metal
Vid Storage is weird, wonderful and sometimes very odd. Did you know floppy disk drives can be used for something other than emergency boots of legacy kit or as cool antiques?
It must have been a fairly uneventful day when floppy lovers discovered their drives can be used as "musical instruments" – to play the theme tune to StarTrek: TNG, for example, or that of Doctor Who, or even a juddering, staccato version of the Imperial March from Star Wars.
"Oh yeah," I hear you say? Oh yes. Turn up your volume control and point your browser here to see a bunch of floppy drives play the memorable theme tune to Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Doctor Who fans can navigate here, for the Imperial March click here, and for the USSR national anthem go here.
You could even listen to Purdue university geeks making floppy drives play James Bond music here.
This is obviously a deeply peculiar niche of geekdom, so if you have an abiding love of music this will be torture. Like watching a dog walk on its hind legs, the amazement is not in how well it does so but that it can do it at all.
YouTube instrumentalist "MrSolidSnake745" says: "I make music. With floppy drives. It's not for everyone, but I hope you enjoy it." If you do there is a PayPal link on his YouTube channel so you can help him keep doing it.
I wonder what he could do with paper tape drives? ®