This article is more than 1 year old

NEC Australia buys local ICT biz

Gets some govt traction

NEC Australia has significantly bolstered up its local ICT presence after completing the acquisition of local IT solutions provider CSG’s Technology Solutions business.

The $AU227 million purchase includes all of ASX Listed CSG's Technology Solutions business, including managed services, enterprise services and strategic consulting.

The business was an attractive asset to NEC as it has established strong relationships with state and federal government agencies. The new asset will operate as an independent business unit of NEC Australia with senior executives reporting directly to NEC Australian MD Alan Hyde.

The acquisition which was mooted a year ago recently attained Foreign Investment and Review Board (FIRB) approval and finalisation of several standard sales conditions.

"The merger will ensure retention of local expertise and will enhance our ability to present a strong local footprint in the Australian market," Hyde said. ®

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