This article is more than 1 year old
Sony claims PSN attack is a hoax not a hack
Anonymous bosh
Sony has denied claims allegedly made by Anonymous that the hactivist group breached the PlayStation Network and stole over 10m account details, despite nearly 3000 credentials being posted online as apparent proof.
One alleged member of Anonymous claims to have stolen a 50GB database containing millions of users' details, posting a list of PSN emails online in a bid to prove his authenticity.
The list was immediately denounced by some Sony watchers as a cut and paste job, taking names from an unrelated email list posted in March. And Sony has now said its own investigation shows the hack is a hoax.
"We've confirmed that the recent claim that PlayStation Network was illegally hacked and that customer passwords and email addresses were accessed is completely false," said a Sony representative in a statement.
Roughly 77m PSN accounts were hacked in 2011 and while these 'Anonymous' claims appear to have been debunked, there's no harm in changing your password - again - just to be on the safe side. ®