This article is more than 1 year old

LOHAN poses for sexy wide-angle vid

El Reg fondles news spaceplane mission kit

Well, we can't argue with the HERO2. Battery life is reckoned to be around two-and-a-half hours, although there is the option to connect a external battery if required. To do this, we'd need the skeleton housing to access the USB charging input. This case has the added advantage of not being airtight, and as experienced HAB enthusiasts know, hermetically sealing cameras at altitude is not advised, due to misting inside the casing.

The HERO joins two veteran PARIS cameras in our imaging arsenal, the Kodak Zx1 and Canon PowerShot A560:

The Kodak Zx1, Canon PowerShot A560 and FlyCamOne

Also seen above is our unused FlyCamOne. The Vulture 2 will be packing two FlyCamOne eco V2 versions of this camera, which can be controlled by the spaceplane's autopilot.

The PowerShot was given the Canon Hack Development Kit treatment for PARIS, and runs a 10-second intervalometer script, which grabbed us some nice snaps over Spain:

An aerial image of Spain from our Canon stills camera

Another aerial image of Spain from our Canon stills camera

A third aerial shot from the Canon

The Zx1 is, of course, the camera which captured the historic launch of the Vulture 1 back in 2010:

Watch Video

So, it's now just a matter of lights, cameras, action... ®

Further LOHAN resources:

  • New to LOHAN? Try this mission summary for enlightenment.
  • You can find full LOHAN coverage right here.
  • Join the expert LOHAN debate down at Reg forums.
  • All the LOHAN and Paper Aircraft Released Into Space (PARIS) vids live on YouTube.
  • For our SPB photo archive, proceed directly to Flickr.
  • We sometimes indulge in light consensual tweeting, as you can see here.

LOHAN - A Special Projects Bureau production in association with...

  • 3T RPD logo
  • University of Southampton logo
  • Applied Vacuum Engineering logo
  • Escher Technologies
  • Flashpoint Fireworks logo
  • HAB Supplies logo

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